Tammy Dollin is celebrating seven years at the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, working with colleagues to grow the Life & Legacy initiative. Her portfolio includes working with 20 communities in the United States and Canada. In addition to being a gifted trainer and professional coach, Tammy is a strong writer and editor, with a deep knowledge of Judaism, which is a helpful resource for our network.
Before coming to the HGF, Tammy cofounded Ramah in the Rockies. Even as the 2008 recession made new projects tenuous at best, Tammy persevered to raise funds, form a board, and coordinate the project. Fourteen years later, more than 400 staff and kids gather to experience the beauty of Judaism while engaged in outdoor adventures in the Rocky Mountains.
While raised in and raising a rabbinic family, Tammy deepened her Jewish learning through graduate education (earning an M.A. and M.S.W. from Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia University) and as a recipient of the prestigious Wexner Graduate Fellowship. She studied and lived in Israel for more than two years and through missions and trips has led others to visit and appreciate the Jewish homeland. Tammy’s four children attended K–12 Jewish day schools and today are successful, thriving adults. She published a memoir of her father called L’chaim, A Zayde Adventure!: Memoirs of a Rabbi’s Life. Tammy lives in Denver, Colorado, where she enjoys walking, hiking, biking, completing 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles, doing Jewish things, and staying connected to her growing family.