Communities are invited to apply through an application process which is structured on a rolling admission basis. Please contact us to begin a conversation.
Once selected to be a Life & Legacy Community HGF sends the Federation/Foundation a letter outlining next steps which includes providing proof of non-profit status, submitting a board resolution committing to providing the matching funds and a preliminary program budget.
HGF provides one-third of the cost of operating the community program each year of the first four years, up to $100,000 annually. During Years 5-8 we provide additional financial support based on an approved workplan. These funds allow Federations/Foundations to provide incentive grants to local Jewish organizations and congregations for reaching legacy commitment goals. The incentive grants motivate the organizations to obtain legacy commitments and motivate donors to make their legacy commitment within a given time frame.
Each community hires a Legacy Coordinator who is responsible for administering the program as well as coaching and mentoring legacy teams from the participating local organizations. HGF assigns each community a Life & Legacy Legacy Community Consultant. Together the Legacy Coordinator and Community Consultant coordinate the four- year program, scheduling and implementing workshops, establishing incentive goals and reporting procedures, planning and implementing community-wide celebrations and holding one-on-one consultations as needed to ensure a successful legacy initiative.
Life & Legacy Community Consultants provide five training workshops in year 1, three in year 2, two in years 3 and 4 and additional workshops based on each community’s unique needs in years 5-8, all with the goals of empowering Jewish organizational professionals and lay leaders to secure legacy commitments, steward donors and integrate legacy giving into the philanthropic culture.
“I think back on my 30 years in institutional development, and I long recognized the value of leaving a legacy. You and the Grinspoon Foundation are to be commended for giving structure, guidance and leadership to the program.”
Neal Frank, Planned Gifts Director, Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Minneapolis